Using My Book Live from another network to stream video

i get really sad when i see this kind of posts… and when i read certain answers too… like Tony’s:

1)  It’s not going to stream to a PC.   It’s not designed for that – the file has to be copied completely before playback will begin

well, when i purchased MBL it said “Personal cloud”, and when i think of personal cloud i think of streaming too… at home or remotely…

i have a rather slow connection at home, especially in upload, but since my smartphone is able to stream songs from my MBL when i am around, i thought i could stream them also on my PC… it hangs, it crashes, it stops… everything, except streaming or even downloading…

one solution i found is to make Twonky server remotely available (Twonky is the media server installed on MBL). One needs to port-forward, to tweak a bit around into Twonky files in MBL, but now i can stream any video or mp3 directly on my browser’s flash player (not IE10, but Chrome or Forefox)… without first having to download any file…

here is the link:

(and by the way, there is a way to stream also Word, Excel, etc… files (that is, without the need of downloading them first) directly into MS Office… again, one needs to tweak into the MBL system…)

i wonder why WD does not make these small system changes available to make life easier to its costumers…