User access/security question

I am a little confused about the issue of public access to the folders on my MBLD and security (I am running windows vista on two laptops and various apple devices). Specifically I would like to allow some people to have access to the Internet through my wireless router without allowing any access to the MBLD. Please describe the best way to set this up. Thanks

The drive will only be access with the IP or drives name

connecting to the wireless does not mean connecting to the drive necessarily

for private info you can setup private shares for security

The best thing would be to allow the users “guest” wireless access, if your router supports it. That way they would have internet access, but would not see anything on your network.

If you cannot do that, then the only other option is to create “Private” shares on the MBL. Then store your data in them.

The Public folder on the MBL is just that, public. Any anonymous user on your network can access it.

Unless one tweaks the configuration:

Chaos311 wrote:

The Public folder on the MBL is just that, public. Any anonymous user on your network can access it.


Only thing to remember is if you alter the Public share using the Dashboard UI then you’ll need to re-apply the change to trustees.conf and trustees.mod files otherwise the tweak will persist if you add/modify/delete any other shares.  What I have done is not to attach the DNLA server to the official Public share.  Create another share and mark that to be public if the facility is needed.  The alterstion to the trustrees file works so well that even logins by FTP are denied access to the Public  folder.