URGENT! WD 1TB portable harddrive need to be formatted for window!?!

3 weeks ago my harddrive suddenly can’t be read on windows, after pluged into a older version of windows

it has been working for windows for nearly an year, and it can also transfer data to mac or pc and still remain no error

but now i was told the mac can read it however the mac sees an empty disk but property shows it’s storage has been used; but the window can’t even access the harddrive. and in order to use the harddrive window told me to formmat it, which i couldn’t.

the harddrive contain important business datas, and this is the only copy of the data.

seeking for a solution and hopefully this will be answered ASAP. thanks

P.S. if the harddrive cannot be fixed, then please at least tell me how to retrieve all datas within

The partition got corrupted

this tend to happen when using the drive to cross platforms ( Mac to win )

need to use a recovery software like Recuva or TestDisk and then reformat to getit on working condition

You might also try a Linux Live CD and boot from that and see if you can access your data.
