URGENT. Cannot connect to drive

I really need help. My Live Duo drive is not accessible through the netwok, meaning it cannot be accessed at all.

I checked and it’s not getting an IP from my router so I believe there’s a problem with the network card.

The light turns yellow after I plug it in

I want to send it for repair/replace but I want to get all my data from it first.

The problem is I cannot read from the HD. I took one of the HDs out, tried an ext3/ext4 reader in Windows, could not access the folders, I can see the root folders but they appear blank.

Tries Ubuntu but was unsuccessful in mounting the drive, I tried multiple techniques, but nothing

Does anyone know how I can get the data of a single drive?

Oh, the drive was configure on RAID1 (mirror), so the data should be available on both drive.

Please help, I am dying here…



As a recommendation, you can try connecting the drive directly to your computer, to see the unit gets an IP

Just a thought… try taking the second drive out and connect it to Ubuntu. I don’t know how the mirroring is done, but perhaps the other drive is the primary.

You don’t mention which Windows program you tried, but I have had very good results with the following programs

Disk Internals Linux Reader for Windows http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/

If that doesn’t work try using R-Linux http://www.r-tt.com/free_linux_recovery/Download.shtml

Both programs are free and have proven to work well for several users