UPS for PR4100

Found your list of compatible UPS’s for the EX series.

  1. Is the list the the same for my PR4100?

  2. If yes, I have an APC BR1500G UPS. Do I simply connect it to the USB port and the PR4100 will shut automatically down when the battery power goes down to less than 10%?

  3. If no, what UPS’s are compatible?

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See this thread, there is a link to UPS supported by PR models:

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I have an APC Back-UPS ES 725 connected to one PR4100 and set as the Network UPS “Master” with a 2nd PR4100 configured as the Network UPS “Slave”. The APC Back-UPS BE500 and BE550 are listed as supported, but not the Back-UPS ES 750 specifically.
In the “Master”, the UPS does show up in the Master’s USB drop-down as “APC” with 100% charge, but no model number (I don’t know what it’s supposed to show besides that).
It seems to be working except I’m getting quite a few email alerts from both NAS systems that they are on UPS Power when there is no power issue.
There is no email to indicate the “problem” has cleared and power is back to “normal”. It’s just the emails that say its running on the UPS with 100% left.
The emails are random throughout the day with no pattern to the time of day. I could understand that if the NAS sent emails every hour or 2x a day to let me know the UPS was good, but 5 to 10 emails randomly spaced throughout the day doesn’t make sense.

Does anyone else get false alerts from their NAS when connected to a UPS?

The 2 NAS boxes have dual AC power supplies with each connected to an A UPS and a B UPS. There are 3 Windows servers that share the UPS’ and they don’t have any power issues.