Upgrade to WD Smartware 1.6.5 not working

I have a Win7 PC (64 bit) with a 2 TB WD “My Book Essential” attached through a USB connection. I have been running Smartware v for over a year quite routinely but due to its heavy demands on the processor (mainly the WDFME service) and reading recent opinions on the forum, I decided to update the software to the most recent v 1.6.5.

I successfully downloaded the recent Firmware v 1.019 and then the Smartware v 1.6.5. However, after rebooting, the new software would not do any backup. WDFME seems to have been replaced and I could only identify 3 services running: WDBackup, WDDrivemanager and WDRules. I can see the originally backedup data on the WD drive either through explorer or in the WD Smartware but backup will NOT run. The services are running and I have started and stopped and started again backup using the “Start/Stop RUN” button.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Many thanks


Further to yesterdays post, today I saw a popup for another Smartware update; this time to v 2.0.0. I downloaded this new version and successfully installed it.

IT WORKED !!! Also, the overheads in CPM resouce was extremely low during the catch-up of backing to the WD drive and there is now no heavy load on the internal and external hard drives. WOW…

Of course, this was an amazing coincidence for WD to put out this upgrade when I discovered I really needed it but great stuff Western Digital
