Up/Down arrows to act as volume buttons

TravisZ has made this suggestion in the idea-section, but it HAS NOT yet been acknowledge by WD. Please give it your vote to direct some attention to this if you would like to see volume control in future FW…

click link, and vote for the volume-controls-idea:


Up / Down arrows are already defined.   They adjust the position of the subtitles.   Left / Right adjust the delay of subtitles.

TonyPh12345 wrote:

Up / Down arrows are already defined.   They adjust the position of the subtitles.   Left / Right adjust the delay of subtitles.

Not entirely true. Yes up/down-arrows are defined as many things. Navigation for one. The adjusting subtitles only work if you go to option → adjust subtitles.

I’m talking about when a moviefile is playing - simply pressing up/down would adjust volume. Up/down-arrows does nothing as it is now, so it would be a simple feature to add in new FW. The ability is already there - it works if you use a connected keyboard - it just hasn’t been asigned to any buttons on the remote.

Why? Would you ask - is this a good feature? Because a lot of people have a secondary sound system setup and need a second remote to adjust volume.  Being able to adjust volume directly from the HUB remote would mean that a single remote would be enough…

zballz wrote:

  The adjusting subtitles only work if you go to option → adjust subtitles.


… Up/down-arrows does nothing as it is now…

Blech.   Crow tastes nasty for breakfast.   

You’re right!   

The Up-Down buttons DO adjust subtitle position on the Live / Live+ while the movie is playing, but not the Hub…