Unable to play selected file

I am currently using Windows 7.

My WD TV Live has been working fine up until this point. There has been some network troubles and such, but not much of an issue that I couldn’t get around. Everything has been working recently and SOME files still work.

Suddenly, some files have stopped working that has worked before. All of the lower resolution files work, only the x264/MKV files suddenly get this message and they were working a half hour ago. Anyone have an idea why the TV Live would suddenly stop working for a bunch of video files that were working just minutes ago?

I am not using an external drive. The TV Live is connected over LAN with my computer, using all internal drives. The files play fine over my computer and, as stated, were working fine just a half hour ago on the TV Live.

And how are you playing them, network shares or via a media server?

At first, I played these files off of network share. I noticed my network shares show up and disappear if I have anti-virus on/installed and they reappear when I remove an anti-virus software.

I am currently using Avira.

At this point, I decided to go with a media share (TVersity right now). I originally used Twonky and both media server softwares have been working fine up until two nights ago.

I’d like to also add that I have both HD media files and regular DVDrip media files of old TV series.

Example: I have Ninja Assassin in high def, and Twilight Zone just from regular DVDs. The Ninja Assassin file stopped working despite working just earlier this week, but the Twilight Zone has had no issue at all.

Ok, since you brought that up, I started messing with TVersity and their transcoding (am a rookie, didn’t even know they had this section in their settings). I basically turned off their transcoding, but now I have no sounds when I originally did.

Man, I wish I could just use network shares again like I had before.

adrenaline98 wrote:

At first, I played these files off of network share. I noticed my network shares show up and disappear if I have anti-virus on/installed and they reappear when I remove an anti-virus software.


Then you ought to be able to get them to appear.  Somewhere in your AV program there is the ability to share files, you just need to find it (and there are good forums on how to do that on just about any major AV program).