Unable to detect internal hard drive

suddenly I’m getting the message “Unable to detect internal hard drive”, always when i attach my elements play to my TV.

when i pluged it into my pc I’ve seen the new hard drive found or whatever in the right bottom but after that there was nothing else. the hard drive wasnt listed in my explorer or something …only shown in the hard disk administration panel… I realized that there was no hard disk letter assigned. so i reassigned one and after that my wd was listed in the explorer and i could access all my files on my pc.

according to a propper solution out of this forum ( http://community.wdc.com/t5/WD-Elements-Play/Error-after-updating-the-firmware/m-p/108720/highlight/true#M384 ) i tried to fix my problem but when i connected my drive to my TV again there was that “unable to detect hard drive” message.

reconnected to my pc again not recognized by windows and again no letter.

anyone got a solution ? :frowning:

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

i did, several times and had to realise that they (for sorrow) kind of **bleep**, they are propper incompetent :-/