Unable To Contact This Device Error From Iphone

I went through the motion of creating shared folders and turning OFF the ‘public’ setting for each of them and giving the ‘admin’ read/write to each. I then added an external user (my brother) to My Cloud and granted him ‘read’ access to the necessary folders. My brother confirms he received the email, and creates his password. He then continues to install “My Cloud” app on his iphone I then went to ‘Cloud Access’ from My Cloud’s dashboard and selected the user (my brother) and clicked on ‘Get Code’ which generated the code for his user record. From my brother’s iphone, he launches the My Cloud app, clicks the menu and selects “WD Drive”. He is then prompted for the 12 digital activation code which I had provided to him and then clicks on the ‘Activate’ button. He then gets the error message “Unable To Contact This Device”.

Anybody know how to solve this problem?

Is Remote Access enabled on the My Cloud and does it indicated connected?

Is that person the only one having trouble with remote access? Has that person tried using the MyCloud.com web portal to access the remote My Cloud?

Remote Access is enabled on My Cloud and it does indicate that it is connected.

I have the latest firmware installed as it is set for auto-update and I have asked the user to delete the iphone app and re-install it… which has the same problem.

As a process of elimination of trouble shooting, I asked the user to login to www.wdmycloud.com and successfully logged in with his iphone using safari, and is able to see the folder and view the contents in each one…

Therefore there problem is with the My Cloud iphone app itself… any thoughts what I should look for Bennor? thx!

Seems some just have trouble on their iOS devices with the WD My Cloud apps. Others have reported similar problems with the mobile device being unable to access.

Another way to connect a device without using the access code is to have them access the My Cloud while connected to the same local network as the My Cloud. Obviously not ideal if one cannot connect to that local network.

I guess one could try, if they haven’t done so already, removing all cloud device entries for that User via the Dashboard > Cloud Access. And then try adding their remote access again.

Problem fixed after talking to WD Tech Support… the problem was with my ‘port forwarding’ on my ISP’s router. I had to put 2 entries, one for port 80 and the other for 443 to the IP of the NAS allowing for ‘remote’ conections and using TCP/UDP protocol…