Unable to connect to my device though my cloud

Hey, I have been connecting to my device though my cloud for the past few months no issues.
Today I can no longer connect says my device is offline and give me 3 options to try to connect to it.
Nothing has changed on my network. Anyone have any ideas on whats going on here or why this suddenly happened

How are you trying to connect, through the desktop app, mycloud.com or the Mobile app? What device and operating system are you using? The more info you give the more we have to work with.

Hi. Trying to connect though my cloud.com
I tried with multiple browsers l same thing my device shows offline. It was working fine for months.

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Where are you trying to connect from? I was just out having breakfast and connected to my My Cloud by mycloud.com using Firefox on my cell phone. At this time I am in Austin, Texas about 75 miles away from my home and I did not have any problems.

I’m in Canada connecting to the device that’s in the same city. Strange though it was working for months. When I log into the admin console and go to port forwarding https and http forwards fail which are using 80 and 443

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