Unable to access MyBookLive - bricked? Please help!

Check manual to see what different colors LED mean. If you do not believe you have any of those issues then…

  • Attempt to get a green LED. If you cannot and the device cannot be found (see below), you will need to unbrick it. Hopefully it is an OS issue and not a hardware

I do not use any of the WD software, so here is what works for me:

  • internet browser for dashboard access (http://my-devce-ip)
  • Windows File Explorer for accessing or map the share: \\my-devce-ip\
  • OS x Finder for accessing the share: Finder > Go > Connect to Server > smb://my-device-ip

You can also try it replacing my-device-ip by the name of the device.

Also check your router’s DHCP lease/client list/table to see if it is getting an IP. Refer to your router’s manual