I have a white 2TB unit.
It is connected to my network via a unmanaged switch and has been fine up to a coule of weeks ago.
Nothing has changed in the set up.
I can access the drive and see the folders from my Windows PC.
If I double click on the “Public” folder (for example) it does not open. A band travels along the top
One troubleshooting step is to use the My Cloud IP address rather than the name when using Windows File Explorer (example: \\\)
For the remote access and mycloud.com issues, check the remote access/cloud access Connection Status in the My Cloud Dashboard > Settings. If it doesn’t indicate a connection then remote access will fail. One may have to turn off Remote Access/Cloud Access, wait a few minutes, then re-enable it to fix some remote access connection issues.
And also note that Microsoft may disable SMB1.0 so check to ensure that option is enabled. When disabled one may have issues in Windows File Explorer seeing/accessing a My Cloud.
How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10
Thanks @Bennor , I am unable to access the dashboard of the device, the tab just says “Loading” but never gets anywhere.
I have checked the SMB1.0, and it IS enabled.
On the plus side, I have connected an Ethernet Cable from the device to the Ethernet port on my PC, and the files are visible in File explorer, so at least I have been able to rescue files, but this is not a solution to my problem.
Has anything changed on the local network in recent weeks? New hardware, new router, changed broadband provider, etc.? As a troubleshooting step one can check in the My Cloud Dashboard > Settings what the My Cloud IP address setting is. If it was set to Static IP and one’s local network IP address range changed that could present the issues you are seeing. A 4 second reset via the My Cloud reset button on the back of the unit will reset the DHCP setting to default, obtain IP address from local network DHCP server (usually one’s network router).
My Cloud not accessible - Change Router, ISP or Network
The thing that is puzzling me is that the unit blue LED is on and not flashing (device ready), in the past it has always been Pulsating. Also, the folders show, but not the contents, but I can connect the ethernet port on the device to an ethernet port on my PC, and can access the files, so the Hard drive itself must be OK surely ?
The ip address for My Cloud is, (attached devices from the router,) but putting this into my browser window just results in a spinning circle eventually resulting in
Because you indicated that by connecting the My Cloud directly to the Ethernet port on your computer you can see the files/Shares, this likely indicates you likely have an issue with your network setup or configuration.
Some additional troubleshooting steps/things to check.
Connect the My Cloud directly to the router and not a separate network switch.
On Windows make sure the Network Profile is set to Private and not Public.
Check any third party firewall or security software. Temporarily disable them and see if the issue persists. Some third party firewall/AntiVirus software may block or limit access to network devices.
If your computer uses WiFi to connect to the local network router that the My Cloud is connected to, check the router’s WiFi settings (via the router’s administration page) to ensure Client Isolation (or something similar) isn’t enabled that would block access to a local network My Cloud.
Make sure all devices on the local network are using the same Workgroup name.
Replace the Ethernet cable to the My Cloud with another one.
Try a different networking port on the router or switch.
When using an IP address in Windows File Explorer one needs to use \\ in front of the IP address other wise they’ll likely see an error. Example: \\
Connect the My Cloud directly to the router…
Success - The files come up instantly.
Windows Network = Private
Firewall is Windows Security - No Change when switched off
AV is Defender - No change when switched off
Also Malwarebytes - No Change when switched off.
Router shows in wifi settings OK.
Workgroup Name (not sure how to check)
Replace ethernet cables - no difference
Different Networking port - no difference
inputting \ in front of 192.168 etc - the dash disappears when pressing enter.
I’ve also done some testing on Internet speeds at various points, by connecting my laptop via ethernet, and using Fast.com to measure speed.
Sky max speed 39.99 Mbps
direct at Router port = 37Mbps
from ports at back of switch = 6.2 Mbps with other items connected
with only pc connected = 36 Mbps
with Hive hub added = 36Mbps
with cctv added = 36Mbps
with TP Link out added (no loads on out units)
with Sky minibox connected 7.5 Mbps
Connect My Cloud to the switch with minibox connected. No Files
Connect My Cloud to the switch with minibox not connected Files
Now, because of a Sky issue, I have to connect my miniboxes via ethernet.
The Sky router only has 2 ports, so 1 goes to the switch, and 1 to the Q box. (I’m assuming the Q needs a direct connection from the router).
I will now buy another switch and see if that one will run the MyCloud and the Q box.