Twonky won't show all my folders and files

So in my Public share, I have a Shared Videos folder.  And within that, I have 14 folders - one each for 1999, 2000, 2001, … 2013.  Then one more level of folders under that with months, and tons of .mp4 videos in each of those.

Over time I have never had much success with Twonky successfully scanning, finding, indexing, and presenting new files/folders to my media devices and so every so often I have had to force a database rebuild.  Not very user friendly but it works.

However, two weeks ago I did this and many of my folders never showed up after the rescan.  I rescanned again - no help, same ones showed up (and same ones did not - which was most).  Only my 2006 and 2007 folders are showing up, and only some subfolders below those, and only a handful of files within those.

I have rescanned, rebuilt, rebooted, everything I can think of and find in both the nas UI and the twonky UI.

Help - family is coming Thursday and the young kids all look forward to watching the family movies - that is why we have this thing, right?

I can’t believe that in 2013, some OEM hasn’t figured out a stable media storage/server solution that doesn’t require the end user to be a network/linux expert just to maintain general usefulness.  But I digress.


Come on WD help a brother out. :frowning:

This isn’t WD support.   If you expect a response from WD, you should contact them via support channels.

Thank you so much for that very helpful answer.  Yes I have contacted them via support as well - zero responses thus far.

Who owns these forums and what are they for?

These are forums. Usually manufacturers own the forums. Forums are for users to help each other. Not an official support channel.

There is a different between forums vs support sites.

If your issue is just with Twonky, you might try switching over to the DLNA server and see if that helps. Also, what are you trying to view and play your folders and files on? I recently found out that the Xbox 360, and I’ve heard the PS3 too, have a folder depth limit of around 6-7 levels. So if you have a file buried down deep in multiple folders, what ever file you’re trying to find might not show up.