Twonky Username and Password

You can set a Username and Password in Twonky Server. Is this useful ? Or if you set it, does it cause trouble, local LAN, Remote when you stream videos, music and pictures ?

Pacific_Dollars wrote:


You can set a Username and Password in Twonky Server. Is this useful ? Or if you set it, does it cause trouble, local LAN, Remote when you stream videos, music and pictures ?

AFAIK, it’s only a username / password for the Twonky UI itself – has no impact at all on streaming to typical DLNA clients.

@ Tony,

So, if you set it, then it will not ask login and pass word on every device you want to stream music to ? I know you said something like that, but I want to make sure and also that if you have set it… can you remove it after that ?

Pacific_Dollars wrote:

@ Tony,


So, if you set it, then it will not ask login and pass word on every device you want to stream music to ? I know you said something like that, but I want to make sure and also that if you have set it… can you remove it after that ?

That’s correct – DLNA has no method of authentication that I’m aware of…   I’ve never tried to set it, so I’m not sure how to remove it…