Trying to make a full factory reset without dashboard

I have been getting some issues with my WD my Cloud for a few months, I was using the device to backup my iMac from time machine, it’s a little old, I know it I bought it in 2014, and I am almost done with it, but I want to give it the last chance.

Even when the device continue to backup for a while, I couldn’t access from the dashboard, and everything started after I updated a firmware, anyway the backing up was regular in the device, but I tried several options to access to the dashboard again like; turning on an off the device; accessing from the finder and finally the 4 sec reset, unfortunately, nothing worked but the led always returned blue, I thought the device was still working.

My final option was to make the 40 sec reset, but after I did it, the led is white now and it hasn’t changed for a while, so I was wondering if there is a full reset without access to the dashboard, Does anybody has an idea?

What version of My Cloud do you have? First gen v4.x firmware My Cloud? Or second gen v2.x firmware My Cloud?

One suggestion. Make sure no computers are attempting to backup (Time Machine or Smartware) to the My Cloud after performing a 40 second reset. Depending on the amount of data on the My Cloud it could take some time for the My Cloud to return to normal state (blue front LED) after performing a 40 second reset.

It may be possible to use SSH to issue factory reset command BUT one would need to have enabled SSH through the My Cloud Dashboard settings first.