Trying to access drives after My Book housing failed

Working with a MyBookWord Duo that was configured as Raid 1.  As is common with this unit, the fan failed and the motherboard cooked.  (When attempting to power up I get no response from the unit, but the drives spin up fine when outside of the housing as described below.

Using a USB drive adapter, I can get both of the drives will spin up just fine, but when I go to Computer Management | Disk Management I can see the various partitions but under File System, the main partitions show a blank, rather than an NTFS or other format.  If I try to use Windows Explorer to see the contents, nothing happens.

This is the first time I am trying to view a mirrored drive in this manner.  Suspect that it has something to do with that, or perhaps a proprietary file structure.

Anyone know of a way to access the data on these drives?

Could it be a Linux ext2 or ext3 file system? If so, then you will need a utility such as Explore2FS if you intend to mount it on your Windows box.

Graphical Win32 explorer for Linux ex2fs partitions:

This beta software seems like it will mount ext2, ext3, and Reiser FS volumes:

However its author cautions that it is still buggy and under development.

Could we see the partition table and boot sector with Microsoft’s Sector Inspector?

Extract the above archive to the one folder and execute the SIrun.bat file. The procedure will generate a report file named SIout.txt which you can then upload to a file sharing service.