I just purchased an EX2. Works fine on office internal network. I am trying to get into it at home from a MacBook Pro. I have not found a good set of directions to set that up. I can get to it on my iPhone or iPad just not a computer. I want to work on a file at home by opening off the NAS then when I get to the office work on it more or print. Also if I put an external HD formatted Mac as an external drive how do I get to it? Any help appreciated. Macmike (at) Mac (dot) com.
I am a longtime mac user when trying these thing have use Bootcamp on mac
or Parallels on mac for windows 11
I am still on windows 10
I do not have a good answer but lots of smart people on this forum
I did try putting a USB external disk Formatted exfat which I think both systems can read/write
have not checked but some formats like NTFS at on time were read only on mac but that may have changed
NTFS for USB nas backups had worked best for me as I use the sink type backup to keep
backup a exact copy