Total reset when the disk is unplugged


As soon as I have a power outage, or unplug the drive, all data disappears when it restarts. In the My Cloud space it says capacity 0.0KB even though I have several TB in my disk.
The only solution I found is to have to go to settings → tools → system restore only. And after the reconfiguration I find my data.

The problem is that this re-indexes the cloud data. And it takes a week to get to 100%.

How to avoid this obligatory reset as soon as the disk is unplugged?

I’ve tried to use fix IP but is not working.

Thank you for your help

What model do you have?

Get a small UPS to protect it from power outages. Don’t unplug it while it’s still on. Shut down first.

Hi, I have My Cloud EX2 Ultra, there is no shut down button on it.

If it’s running and can access the dashboard:

" Use the following steps to safely shut down your My Cloud device.

  • Click the User icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Click Hibernate.
  • Review the confirmation message, then click OK. Your My Cloud safely shuts down."

Thank you for your help

I’ve already tried putting it into hibernation, but when it restarts, I have the same problem, no more data. I have to restore.

Finally I found a solution : I just mount the disk, set the password and here we go