After the latest firmware installed I keep losing connectivity with the device. Mycloud access tells me at least once a day that it needs to be woken up, but it is incapable of doing it. My drive is not set to ever hibernate or go to sleep. My only option is a hard shutdown by pulling the power cord. Is there a fix? How do I downgrade to the previous firmware? What was the last firmware?
This is very upsetting.
I think there is a lot of scanning to rebuild the media database. Is there a good fix?
user email address has gone after update to 2.30.172 and also wdsync state mycloud is missing for all my computer in the house (mac & windows). Phone app mycloud (android, iOS) also cannot detect mycloud… tried addre email, it say another user with same email already exists.
My solution, uninstall wdsync on Mac and Windows then reinstall, have to reconfigure back then it ok. But after the device automatic reboot (schedule turn off and on agian inthe morning) same problmes occure, same with android apps… iOS app I didn’t try.
Mine too. I turned off DLNA and that seemed to help.