Themes: SteArm 1-8 (Final) - 1st March 2015


1st - Add a fifth icon (files) on the next screen.

I have added the Files icon to the home screen. I’ve also had a go at changing the Files xml rv_file_list_browse_page.xml.

2 - When using “multiple selection”
files are selected
but can not see selected
it should look like in the picture below

I don’t know what firmware you are using, so I have added ‘@@checked_#’ to all the Videos and to the Files xml’s. I have used the same colour as your last screenshot above. If you want to change the colour, use a program like Gimp and use ‘Bucket Fill Tool’ to change them. The PNG files are located below. You will have to reload the theme afterwards.

Gallery View > image/Gallery/edit_multiple_video_gallery_focus_bar_n.png
Preview View > image/Preview/video_preview_edit_multiple_video_gallery_focus_bar.png
Small Grid View > image/Video/video_select_multiple.png
Large Grid View > image/LargeVideo/large_video_select_multiple.png
List View > image/Listview/edit_multiple_listview_focus_bar.png

Files > image/Listview/edit_multiple_listview_focus_bar.png

I have also sorted the background for rv_list_browse_page.xml, so now if you take a screenshot it won’t have any distortion.

I have posted two links, the first has the background of the home screen the same as the first screenshot you posted plus the Files icon and the second the background is just black and has a frame around the highlighted tab and the Files icon.

SteArm 5 (Leycero)(Files).zip (330.62KB)

SteArm 5 (Leycero)(Black BG).zip (448.32KB)


Again, a perfect job. Thank you very much.

You can remove dates in the picture below.

It look like in the next picture.

If possible, titles that take the full length, they reach the end.

Make changes in stearm 5 (Leycero) (Files)

As always, thank you very much for your dedication.


Hey just wanted to say thanks so much for the theme, I love it

Is there anyway to time search through a movie though, The option seems to have disapeared, Thanks heeps!


You can remove dates in the picture below.
If possible, titles that take the full length, they reach the end.

I have removed the dates from the Files xml and increased the length of the titles. Link below.

And hello Iron_Man,

Is there anyway to time search through a movie though, The option seems to have disapeared

The ‘Skip to Desired Time’ hasn’t disappeared I didn’t included it. I don’t know what theme number you are using so I have added it to the file video_run.xml in the theme below.

SteArm 5 (Leycero)(Files)(1).zip (328.66KB)


Thank you very much for your infinite patience to modify these details.: Smileyhappy:

All good, i realized i can press the search button and it brings up the skip to desired time option :slight_smile:

Hello, i have this problem when i trie to install this theme

rename the zip

from  SteArm 7(WIP).zip



The error message ( invalid file name that only be alphanumeric) means … only *letters* or *numbers* are allowed

No *symbols*  are allowed …  eg ( ) { } @ # % $


I know what is the best size for a quality of the cover? some covers are grainy and do not like.

and possible to know precisely or the size and weight for a higher quality? itendo for the theme that contains 8x3

one last question also depend on the TV where you see the gallery?
thank you

Hello linguaccia22,

I do not have any WDTV devices any-more. I have moved over to Kodi (Raspberry Pi 2 and OSMC) and I use an android tablet for the remote (Yatse App).

The covers/thumbnails sizes I used with WDTV was 300x450. At end I was using Kodi to generate the covers and movie info and then resize the covers and rename the files for use with the WDTV.

Movie-poster.jpg (Kodi) renamed to Movie.jpg (WDTV)
Movie.nfo (Kodi) renamed to Movie.xml (WDTV)

Sorry I can’t be any-more help to you.
