When i make changes in my computer, or relocate files in different folders, the WD Smartware duplicates the files on my 3TB My Book Studio after making the bak up.
I wanted to know how to disable this function, and make the back up on my 3TB My Book Studio to have the exactly same files and ubication as my computer.
Thanks a lot!!!
I believe some 3rd party backup solutions offer this but think carefully before actually doing this. If you accidently delete a file with this methode it would also be remove from the backup.
If this is just a 1 time thing after moving a lot of files you could delete the smartware backup and run a fresh one. You would not have any backup during this time. If you have space you could create a new share for the new smartware backup, then remove the old smartware backup
thank you very much for the answer! I will consider that option.
I´m really interested to know if there is any way without erasing all the material from the external drive and make the back up again. Just want to “update” some changes each day for my work in progress from my computer.
thanks again!