Tag questions

Before I decide on buying a WD TV Live Hub or not there’s a few things I’d like to know that I can’t find any clear information on as it is.

If you change the metadata in or otherwise associated with any files will the WD TV Live Hub overwrite this data with any it fetches from the internet itself?

Does the WD TV Live Hub support any form of separate tag files, like ID3 tag files using the same filenames as their associated media files, or does it only support embedded ID3 data?

If it were to overwrite embedded ID3 data, but both embedded and external ID3 data is supported, does either one take precedence?

Is it documented what ID3 frames are supported?

And last but not least; does the WD TV Live Hub use the actual ID3 specification or some sort of obscure variation on it and - if the latter - is this documented?

 If you change the metadata in or otherwise associated with any files will

the WD TV Live Hub overwrite this data with any it fetches from the internet itself?


 Does the WD TV Live Hub support any form of separate tag files, like ID3 tag files 

No, so none of the other questions apply.

Thanks Tony.

What I hadn’t noticed yet though was the whole xml file thing.

Am I right in thinking you can use XML files to do essentially the same thing, but those can keep the metadata in a separate file using the same filename?

Basically I already know if I leave the generating of this data to any system other than my own it’s not gonna show what I want it to.

As it stands I have near 3000 movies tagged with separate .tag files. An EVA8000 plays it all.

It’s time to upgrade and I don’t want to embed the data in the video files.

I had a quick look at the XML file contents and it seems to me I can just change my custom application to generate this XML file rather than an ID3 structured .tag file using the same collected information and the WD TV Live Hub will pick that up and display it.

Is that correct?

If it is everything will be converted overnight and it’ll be an easy transition.

Yep…  Sounds right to me!

… or, if a “TAG” file is XML under a different name, chances are you could just change the tag names with a global search / replace tool and be done in minutes.