Subtitles not displayed correctly

I watch alot of soft subbed shows which usually have the .**bleep** type of subtitle file attached to them, file extentsion is usually .mkv

Anyway with .**bleep** subs you aka the person make the subs can edit the file and place notes on a normal line that wont appear in the subs on the video you place these notes in between ‘{’ and ‘}’ However the WDTV Live shows these notes and doesn’t seem to support some of the more basic typesetting functions that this fantastic subtitle format allows people to do.

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Your post sounds more like an Idea or a Feature Request. The best place for this is in our Ideas Lab. This way someone from WD will be sure to see it. However, I would search first and make sure that there isn’t another idea similar to yours that you could add your post to and vote on.

Ideas Lab