Streaming to Stereo using Android app

Thought this might be of interest

Having tried (mostly unsuccessfuly)a lot of methods of streaming to my stereo from my cloud and controlling it through my Android I have found succes at last
The biggest problem was creating playlists.

Attached a Chromecast to the input on the stereo, installed an old version of Plex on Android (latest version created problems) and put the music into the Plex folder to My Cloud. I cast it the Chromecast.

This has enabled me to create playlists and obviate the awful My Cloud app.


You can contact WD.

@melwilde What type of Android device are you talking about, a phone, tablet or TV?

My Sony Bravia 4K Smart TV is Android and I play all my music that’s on my My Clouds, not My Cloud Home, on it through my sound system. I can play all albums and playlist.