Stock photos on wd photos - removable

How do I specify the photos that appear on the wd photos app when I load it up, I am using a galaxy tab 2 with android. When I launch the app I am presented with wd chosen photos which including a scary scowling child. I want to set these pictures as mine or at least have it blank, I have 20000 photos and end up having see about12 that arent mine every time I log on.

The pictures that you see on the WDPhotos app, are the ones that you have in the Public/Shared Pictures. wrote:
How do I specify the photos that appear on the wd photos app when I load it up, I am using a galaxy tab 2 with android. When I launch the app I am presented with wd chosen photos which including a scary scowling child. I want to set these pictures as mine or at least have it blank, I have 20000 photos and end up having see about12 that arent mine every time I log on.

No, those are built into the app.

Scary Scowling Child?   Take a screen grab.   I’d love to see that!  All the ones on the iOS app are happy.

It just seems unfortunate that you can’t change the two thirds of the screen appears when you start or use the app, a poor showing from wd in my opinion