More experimenting. Put the My Cloud on a second router that was not connected to the internet nor had any other devices connected to it. The My Cloud was all alone. First time I’ve seen the device sleep continuously for more than a couple of hours. Five hours in this case of uninterrupted sleep time

12 03 08:24:35 08:24:57    22  0:00:22
12 03 10:57:04 10:57:27    23  0:00:23
12 03 11:07:40 11:13:38   358  0:05:58
12 03 11:23:52 11:24:12    20  0:00:20
12 03 12:44:22 12:44:45    23  0:00:23
12 03 12:54:58 13:05:20   622  0:10:22
12 03 16:18:19 16:18:42    23  0:00:23
12 03 16:28:55 16:56:25  1650  0:27:30
12 03 17:06:38 17:13:42   424  0:07:04
12 03 17:23:55 17:26:31   156  0:02:36
12 03 17:38:47 17:39:10    23  0:00:23
12 03 18:19:03 18:20:14    71  0:01:11
12 03 18:30:27 18:33:56   209  0:03:29
12 04 06:41:43 06:42:06    23  0:00:23
12 04 06:52:19 07:03:58   699  0:11:39
12 04 07:22:22 07:23:48    86  0:01:26
12 04 07:34:01 07:34:24    23  0:00:23
12 04 07:44:37 07:45:00    23  0:00:23
12 04 08:55:34 08:55:56    22  0:00:22     <---- Put My Cloud on separate independent router
12 04 09:06:11 09:06:34    23  0:00:23
12 04 09:16:47 09:29:31   764  0:12:44
12 04 09:39:44 10:00:10  1226  0:20:26
12 04 10:15:37 10:16:00    22  0:00:22
12 04 10:26:13 10:29:31   197  0:03:17
12 04 10:39:44 16:01:10 19286  5:21:26     <---- Longest I've seen the My Cloud sleep
12 04 16:11:23 17:01:32  3009  0:50:09
12 04 17:11:45 17:47:25  2140  0:35:40
12 04 17:57:38 18:47:06  2968  0:49:28
Total Sleep Time: 31:49:28
Start 1511992924
End 1512431226
Total Up Time: 121:45:02 26% Sleep 74% Wake

Will do more experimenting but this appears to indicate that something on my local network is triggering the My Cloud to wake from sleep. Not sure if its the ISP router, the one Roku running, or if its the mobile phone WiFi connection causing the wake ups.

Have the /etc/rc2.d/S98user-start script modified with the following entries:

/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server stop
/etc/init.d/nfs-common stop
/etc/init.d/upnp_nas stop
/etc/init.d/mDNSResponder stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd stop
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd stop
/etc/init.d/restsdk-serverd stop
mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /

And the /usr/local/sbin/ script modified:

    smartTestStatus=` | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ "$standby_enable" == "enabled" ] && [ "$sleepcount" -eq "$standby_time" ] && [ "$smartTestStatus" != "inprogress" ]; then
        touch /tmp/standby
        enterStandbyTime=`date +%s`
        echo "Enter standby"
        if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then
                echo "`date`: Enter standby "
                dmesg -c > /dev/null

        # added sync/sleep code to deal with 7/8 second wakeups (12/1/17)
        sleep 5
        sleep 5
        sleep 5

        for i in ${drivelist[@]}; do
                hdparm -y $i >/dev/null

        # turn on solid blue if applicable LED_EV_DISK_STBY LED_STAT_IN_PROG
        sleep 5