Startup Frustration

Somewhere in all the .exe in the passport directory, my brain went dead. Using Windows Vista.

I can’t find a way to make it actually do anything nor can I find instructions to do so. I have loaded a utilities file and there’s an icon on my task bar (that only shows a quick view). Somewhere I told “it” I wanted to back up files but noplace have I had an option to tell it which files or where to back them up to.

Do I need to download a mirror file like Macrum or Easus, etc and run it on the drive? I do not want to use my dropbox for any of this and have no idea what “MyCloud” is. Don’tneed another online acct.

Perhaps I’ve completely misunderstood what a 2TB passport ultra does…I don’t want automatic backup but I do want an encrypted on demand backup. Is it possible with this device?

The backup utility associated with the MyPassport is either WD Smartware or WD Backup. If you right-click on the Quickview icon in your taskbar you may well get an option to open whichever of them you have installed.

Smartware is the older software, and was more designed for NAS boxes (it is still supplied with them). WD Backup is the newer one, more designed for USB drives like your MP. From what you want, WD Backup is more appropriate. If you don’t have it, you can download it from the WD website (here for the download page, or here for the direct link to WD Backup for Windows).

You can think of the MyPassport as a big USB thumb drive, it’s basically a drive which you can use as a target for backups and also for general storage like any other USB-connected drive.

Ignore anything related to cloud - another WD product range is the “MyCloud” series, which are NAS boxes (network attached storage). It’s nothing to do with the MyPassport range of USB drives, which from what you describe is what you have (small box about the size of a cigarette packet, with a single USB cable).