Star Rating Not Holding Selection

 have noticed there is a new featur on the HUB which allows you to rate your media. I have tried to use this but found that the HUB does not save the rating you apply. I highlight the file then select options to apply the rating. The Favorites selection seems to work fine.

I have the exact same problem… Favorites work fine and Rating is lost…

Any update on this?

Might be a stupid question, but are you sure you pressed OK after selecting the rating you want? The rating will turn blue (seen at the top of the screen when in options of a video file)…

lolol yes… its stupid indeed :slight_smile:

I explicitly said that the changes are “lost” so i can see that they are set (stars get blue color) but when it scans for new files ( re-initialize - another weird option for refresh ) it simply gets lost.

Thank you

Hmm… then I don’t know what it can be. I only lost my favourites ratings once but that was because I put the files in a new folder. 

No updates on this from WD yet. But then they are always slow…