Nullam Porttitor (Packages)

Integer sagittis libero ac massa sollicitudin congue. Cras vitae tristique nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc lobortis, turpis at egestas luctus, sem augue fermentum ex, eu rutrum lacus quam id risus. Nullam porttitor dui sit amet sem ullamcorper, et ullamcorper leo iaculis.

Nice share!
Is openssl 1.1.1 really required or would 1.0.2n also do? The mksapkg tool uses openssl to sign packages and it relies on the MD5 default hash. The default hash changed in 1.1.x to SHA256, causing the naive mksapkg to add wrong signatures.

The cpio and m4 packages are available through entware, but I guess you needed the header files.