Speed Test - Why i get this error?

Perhaps you should edit your initial post, or the topic title if possible, to clarify you are trying to test for internet speed rather than hard drive read/write speed. Typically when people ask about “speed tests” in this subforum they are talking about read/write speed of the My Cloud not how fast it can access the internet.

Because the My Cloud uses a custom Linux OS and because as others have found out in the past the modules used within the My Cloud firmware are sometimes years out of data. Running certain services, modules or programs not included with My Cloud OS may not be possible because, as in your case, a needed service (Python in your case) or program within the OS is either missing certain elements or is not the latest version.

Apparently the speedtest-cli works with Python 2.4-3.4 (per this ReadMe file). It is possible/probable the My Cloud doesn’t have the full Pyton package installed or is missing certain elements of it if installed. One may have to issue the “python -V” or “python --version” command to see if Pyton is installed and what version it is.

Because it appears the full Python package may not be installed (due to missing “ttp client classes”) within the My Cloud, it may not be possible to update Python without causing problems with the My Cloud firmware. This is where the “apt-get” issue I mentioned previously comes into play. Other users have bricked their My Cloud using the “apt-get” command when trying to update certain services/modules of the Linux firmware used within the My Cloud OS.

Not sure if this is directed at me or others but if directed at me personally please note I am not employed by or nor do I work for WD. Most of us here are users like yourself who came here for one reason or another and have stayed to help others at our own time and expense with their My Cloud problems/issues. We cannot mind read what a poster intended to mean or say, we go by what they have written/posted. Sometimes the language barrier can introduce miscommunication. We sometimes will respond in a way that may seem condescending to an experienced person simply because we don’t know the experience level of the person asking the question or because we misinterpreted what the person was trying to ask.

I do not care about post counts or credits nor do I “spam”. I simply try, like many others do here, to provide possible answers to problems or to help people with their issues. My single previous post in your other thread was not about spamming, increasing post counts, or anything else. It was plain and simple answer to your question of “how copy or move from Hdd attached to MyCloudGen2 through USB 3.0” and the best method to do so. My answer included what the User Manual recommends and includes additional information on why there may be certain issues with the USB 3.0 port on the My Cloud and a link to previous topic that in part discuss the USB 3.0 copy speed issue.