Something went wrong, message

So yet another problem with OS5. im conected to the internet and trying to input my infomation. And im getting this error message below. When trying directly from the mycloud and when trying from the OS5 page.

Something went wrong, please check that you have an active Internet connection and try again.

(Error Code: 429)

@gimp The following article explains error code 429 and what to do when it occurs.

my problem is not solved with the solutions given!

anyone any working solution please? can’t login to manage folder access in my cloud! (Enabling cloud service for the My Cloud Device) My Cloud OS 5 Online User Manual

** Er is iets misgegaan, controleer of u een actieve internetverbinding hebt en probeer het opnieuw.*
(Foutcode: 429)

So i had the exact same problem…i finally reset my password by clicking forgot your password link.
after resetting i was able to login and access my account