[Solved] SubSonic on My Cloud EX4?

Hi Everyone,

It’s quite possible to run SubSonic on the EX4! A few requirements are easily set in place - however this is not tested extensively yet and it will not yet run automatically on reboot!

  1. Firstly, Java needs to be installed (as standalone is okay!) - check this thread to see how.
  2. Secondly, download the subsonic standalone version. Create /shares/Public/opt/subsonic and use tar xzf file.gz -C /shares/Public/opt/subsonic to extract the contents to the directory.
  3. Create /shares/Public/subsonic and /shares/Public/subsonic/transcode and copy  /usr/local/modules/twonky/cgi-bin/ffmpeg_wrapper to the transcode directory as ffmpeg (or create a symlink, if you wish)
  4. SubSonic is started with the subsonic.sh script in /shares/Public/opt/subsonic. Execute that file with the --help flag to see all the possible options for starting the server. Now start SubSonic with the options you like.
  5. Optional - I made a start.sh script in  /shares/Public/opt/subsonic/ which runs  subsonic.sh with  –home=/shares/Public/subsonic --port=8080. The home option is required because we placed the transcoder there, you could place the transcoder anywhere and change the option accordingly.

Good luck!