So many problems - Please solve it (mb firmware update?)

First, of all, do you have a complete user manual for your MPWP.? If not it can be downloaded from WD Support. You need it.

Now, let’s see if we can improve the wi-fi performance. When at home your drive must be connected to your router wi-fi signal and you connect your receiving device ;, e.g. a mobile phone or tablet to you home 5G wi-fi signal for videos. You do NOT connect the receiving devices to the drive’s internal wi-fi. (When away from home with the drive the internal signal is what you connect to.)

At home your drive needs the best location near router for best reception. So, put drive in same room as router. You and receiving device on the other hand, can be anywhere in the house where you get a very good 5G router signal. This should improve things a lot. But if it still needs improvement, see this solution I told someone about last week

As for copying files, do not copy anything large, or numerous files via wireless. Instead, connect the MPW drive to your computer USB port with the supplied cable. I never use wireless to copy files unless it is a very small file. Too slow, even if everything is working right.

What exe files are you trying to run from drive? Where? Drive is not made to do this.

Above info should help you out, and remember to download the manual !