SmartWare refuses to copy large files

I just got my 3TB  My Book and installed (and updated) SmartWare and told it to copy everything on drive D:.  It refused to copy any of the larger files, ranging anywhere from 35MB up to 60GB.  This is not a file system type (its NTFS) or space issue. These files are NOT locked, they are mostly videos that have not been accessed in ages.  I manually copied a 60GB file over and it had no problem.  And the total I was trying to copy is MUCH less than the total available on My Book.

On the right side under “Files Not Backed Up” it says Files:  635, Size 471.36 GB.  I click View Files and it shows the list, under reason it says “File pending backup” for all of them.  Pending ?  Pending what ?   I have waited several hours and nothing more has copied.  This appears to be a software defect.  What else could explain this ?

Update, OK so I just read other posts about this issue and the consensus is that SmartWare is dumber than a box of rocks, WD has no intention of fixing, this is the Customer NO Service department, and new customers should never  install SmartWare!

Go SmartSync !

Hi and welcome to the WD community.

Please be sure to close any programs that might be usign the files that you would like to backup. 

MorganRogers, please check your private messages.