Smartware not responding to backup job

I was backing up an external to my 2TB drive and it seemed to be stuck in progress so i stopped it and tried to resume later. But now all the data in the smartware is blank. I can see it in the drive itself but i can’t start a backup again.

Could i re install the software and it’ll fix it or is there a better way of backing up?

Please update your Smartware to the latest version.  Also, please be sure that you do have .Net 3.5 SP1 installed on your system (XP and Vista).  This issue can happen if one of the services related to Smartware crashes.  If you are running the latest version of Smartware, please reinstall the software and also reinstall the .Net 3.5 Sp1 software.

I’m on win7. I just uninstall and reinstalled smartware and it worked like a champ.