Smartware backup files: incomplete backup

When backing up files with smartware files backup on my laptop with an SSD, Smartware does not backup all the files selected. Why not?

I can easily copy the files from the laptop to the share “hans” manually, no problem.

First I copied files manually from my laptop to the share “hans” on my MyBooklive 2 TB. (My documents, music, video, pictures).

Then I started a Smartware backup to the share “hans” and selected files method, because I want to be able to see the backup files on the MyBookLive. Whily doing this backup, I takes “lllllloooooonnnnnnngggggg” to backup 40 Gb (Wifi connected). Smartware tells me there are several problems with some files (about 10Gb). Smartware keeps backing up, but in the end no files are being copied. It leaves me with an incomplete backup. In the log i can see which files have not been backed-up. I can select this files manually in explorer and easily copy them to MybookLive-share-“hans”.

Since I thought Smartware would take care of the backup, right now I can not rely on it…

So what is it? A bug? I am just backing up some user files, like pictures, music, documents and video.

Make sure you have the latest version of Smartware

You can also use Windows backup

Smartware is backed up to an specific share that is hidden… How did you manage to change the destination?

to Wizer:

Thanks for your attention, but this way of talking is not going to help solve the problem.

You obviously did not read what I wrote…I used the files method not the catalog.

And yes I do have the latest firmware and the latest software.

Under the sharename “hans” Smartware created a map called “WD SmartWare.swstor” and there it places an incomplete backup.

Could a technician of Western Digital look at this problem ?

Has it to do with an SSD where it is reading from, or are the files on the MyBookLive in an index and marked as double on the share (…but then the other 90% of the files which are also double on the share why are they being backed up?!?)

Or is it , what i think it is, a bug?

foxhunter:   This forum is not tech support.

If you want a WD tech to look into it, you’ll need to contact tech support directly.