Smartware and WIN 7 constantly crash and restart my notebook

Since installing SmartWare on my Win 7 notebook I have been having sudden restarts. About 1 each day. When I check my Reliabilty History Monitor, it tells me SmartWare is constanly restarting/crashing, and is the cause of these restarts.

Will contact customer support in the AM and will follow up.

Contacted WD today and quickly got through to a very helpful agent. We did a fresh install of the Smartware software and drivers. Went over his list of conflicting programs. I had none. System and Smartware are stable so far. All in all a good XP.

Smartware is still crashing several times a day. Had one unexpected system restart since last post. Notice McAfee crashes around same time Smartware crashes.

Exactly what happened today…

WD File Management Engine crashes 12:58 AM

McAfee crashes 15:17 PM

Windows improperly shuts down and computer restarts. 17:17 PM

WD File Management Engine shuts down several more times.

Have removed McAfee and am using Telus security now. Did a fresh install of Smartware .16 making sure AV is off.

Will monitor and follow up later.

Within a couple hrs of installing Telus security software, it picked up a trojan…I wonder about McAfee. Brand new Dell 1645. Crappy. Will again monitor and report any findings.

Have had same problem, blue screen of death and crashing.  Repeatbly when I am coming out of hibernation.  I have new Toshiba laptop, Win 7, Belkin 7 port hub with drive attached.   Tried uninstall and reinstall 2 times and still having same issue.   Have uninstalled Smartware until next version is out and will try it again…

2 more SmartWare "WD File Management Engine’ shut downs today.

Have uninstalled new SmartWare version and am reverting to Seemed to have no trouble with older version.

Should be noted…There are 2 Dell NBs running exactly same software in house. The older dell 1525 is running without issue. The Dell 1645 is having the trouble.

OK that’s it for SmartWare of any version. Continually crashing. Will revert to Win 7 Backup.