Slow internal Transfer speeds

Hello All,

Having a problem with transfer speeds when transferring files from folder to folder within a My Cloud drive. The speed is terrible, I’m only managing 0.35mb/s.

The folder I’m having problems in has got 8000+ jpegs that I’m sorting out into an archive.

It’s also really sluggish when accessing in windows explorer.

I’m using gb connections and LAN so no problem there.

I Have no idea why it’s doing this. It only seems to be on folders where I have a lot of files.

I might have resort to taking it off the drive, organising and then putting it back. I would like to avoid this and I’m quite disappointed that I can’t use it like I would like to.

Any insight or solutions for the noob to networked drives would be much appreciated

The following article may help.

Common Causes and Solutions for Slow Network Data Transfer Speeds

Answer ID 15542

Yes that could be a problem when the data one is copying or moving within the NAS is flowing out of the NAS and through the computer initiating the copy/move then back to the NAS to the new location. This is made worse if the computer is using a slower form of WiFi.

When copying or moving large amounts of data within an NAS one should either use a file manager within the NAS’s administration interface, if one is available. Or issue the (linux) copy, move or rsync command at the firmware/root level using SSH (or similar connection). This bypasses the possibility of any data flowing outside of the NAS.

Also the capabilities of the My Cloud hardware (and hard drive) itself will affect internal data copy/move speed. And the size and number of files being moved or copied likewise will affect the speed at which it can be copied or moved.