Should i remove my mbl network connection?

ive connected my book live direct to my pc via a ethernet cable and plan on getting a switch for faster data tranfer rates. The direct connct works great and it quite nice. there is still a bit of lag but 100% better and im sure will be faster with the switch. mbl is not showing up if i log into my isp and see the device list which i think is good. having said that…it still shows up on my pc as a network connection…can i delete this connection without causing any problems. I think yes because its now showing up on my pc as device drive that is direct connected. lastly should i have the drive at my pc location with a short cable or it a 20 foot cable going to slow things up with data transfer? thanks for all the guidence and help with my new my book live…

A switch isn’t going to make it any faster.

If you delete the connection on your PC, how do you expect to get access to the files?

The length of an ethernet cable (as long as it’s less than 100 meters) doesn’t affect speed at all.

Well last night I had two ways to access the nas from my pc…it was showing up in my network folder as well as in MY COMPUTER …when I opened ATV2 today it was lost in iTunes…so I went back to the router connection… All I ant to do is use MBL as a local drive from my pc…having problems to say the least…oh well…now it takes 4 second to access a file…any ideas to make this work would be great…if not…I’m on my owe…thanks tony…