Setting up My Cloud Online

Dear All,

Please help me to setup my cloud.

I already use it, but only in same network. I can only access my cloud for example only at home (same network).

but if I turn off my wifi, my cellular can’t access it.

the ip right now in is

so to connect to internet, what should I do,

if I see in my router’s setting then here it is

P Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
DNS 3:

please help me step by step.

thanks you

PS : I used to change the ip using, but it cannot work.

icecubescb wrote:

please help me step by step.

The My Cloud is not intended to be connected directly to the internet.   It’s intended to be connected to a home LAN.  As far as I know, it won’t even function normally if it’s on “publicly routable” IP space.

If you have internet access then you shoud already be connected but you will have to set up remote access. See the User Manual, and read Accessing Your Cloud Remotely then set it up in the Dashboard. See image below. Read the Help info provided in the Dashboard.

Click on Settings►Network and check your internet status.

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)