Search File in mycloud

I search file in mycloud by excel or Word, by the folloing step:
1- Lunch Excel,
2- Clic on open file,
3- I choose Network
there I see all suppprt connected in my Network, but I can’t fin Wdmycloud?

When I use Browser or File manager/Network , there I see Wdmycloud
Thanks for your help

I’m not sure what you want but have your tried to open Excel or Word then click on Open then Browse?

Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.

Salut. Avez-vous essayé d’aller sur One Drive?

Mini Militia App Lock

The local network My Cloud shows up in Network when using Excel 2010 on a Windows 10 PC.

Thanks Cat0,

Yes, There, I make an open file in Excel, I ve Network , but i can t find some shared Hard Disc like WdMyCloud. see attached snapt.

But in File Manager, i ve everythings, see attached Picture:

Not only in Excel, but in every Application : Word, powerpoint, Paint, Photo, …
For your Information I use Windows 10.

Or in AN Other Computer With Windows 10, I ven’t this problem.

Probleme, resoulu par une mise a jour du Windows 10. C est a son niveau que ce probleme est declenché