SATA Drive and Windows 98 SE

Please indulge me, but I want Windows 98 SE on my Dell Inspiron 530 computer.

I bought a WD SATA 500 GB drive for that express purpose inasmuch as I read that for dual-booting it’s best to have separate, individual drives.

I have one drive I use to boot into Vista, and another drive to boot into Windows XP.

I have several programs, at least parts of which will only run on Windows 98.

AFTER I opened the new drive’s box, I noticed compatibility - Windows 7, Vista/XP, 2000. No mention of ME or Windows 98.

I understand and can create a partition on the new drive for Windows 98 SE and can put my few Win 98 programs there. I can use the other space (separate partitions) for other data, but I really want my “special” Win 98 programs to work.

Can I set up the new drive as a boot device into Win 98 or am I going to run into problems?

Although the Win 98 stuff is in a special partition, is there any likelihood of it messing up data on other physical or logical discs?

BTW, I learned that I cannot boot from a USB device. Otherwise the problem would be solved.


Windows 98 doesn’t natively support SATA, nor am I aware of any special projects that have added such support.

Try asking here:

Here is an excellent resource that may be worth a look:

Otherwise you may consider running Win98SE under Microsoft’s Virtual PC (freeware):