Runaway ffmpeg process usage after MyCloud5 upgrade

I would like a clarification here. Does your statement means that EVERY video gets a transcoded copy BEFORE it is even requested by mobile or web client?

Sadly yes - it is why even after all the main indexing was completed, the transcoding kept running 24h later, chugging through my 16TB of media until I killed/renamed ffmpeg

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Peachy. I am not touching this update with a 10 meter long pole.
@SBrown, would you be as kind as to find out who made this function this wholesomely retarded way, ask him to pull his head out of his arse and make it opt-in only in next release? Thank you.

My content gets reencoded when I want, especially or PR line which is powerful enough to do it on the fly. The HDD space consumption of this function no one wants must be also nice.

I’m very new to all the tech talk but I have picked up bits.

In simple terms I had it more or less confirmed about the transcoding on every every file & like the user mentioned it eats up your drives space very quickly. So in short I have lost around 200GB due to this “ change” I won’t get it back according to the WD, they add looking into it though.

Long story short I have had to disable the cloud on the settings as it was still doing stuff 24 hours plus later eating more GB by the hour. I had loads of warning messages telling me my drive is nearly full. It also became very laggy due to this.

There is an old saying “if it’s no broke don’t fix it”. There was nothing wrong with the old iOS app & access files via that remotely it did not transcode & wipe GB of memory in 24 hours I have now lost over 200GB & maybe more if I let it do more transcoding etc. It’s an absolute joke that this new “update” can take so much GB just because they changed something. I have a 8TB NAS (raid 1 I think so essentially 4TB) I had loads of stuff I wanted copied over the weekend which I can’t do now.

I am also not able to remotely access the stuff I need on the apps due to the process starting over again as soon as I switch cloud on back on.

I know there is a suggestion on how to stop this but struggling for time at the mo.

WD took over my my computer the end of last week & more or less confirmed the above about the GB loss. I honestly hope they do a firmware to revert back to the way it was as I’ve lost a lot of free memory due to this.

The drive also took an absolute ponding for over 24 hours & didn’t even go on standby

Oh & I purposely mentioned arms suggestion to WD direct about fixing/delaying the process which they can’t comment on & will look into it.

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I’ve also had a couple of hundred gig (Maybe 200-300GB, maybe more?) disappear from my available space and just figured cos I’d loaded a few extra backups onto it that it was just me

Now I’ve read this I’ve killed ffmpeg off as per OP advice and RAM usage is down - NAS had been chugging away at ~85% ram usage for 7 days - no idea if I can get rid of the transcode info so i can retrieve my space back though

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By the way folks, I’ve found that I need to keep repeating my workaround (renaming ffmpeg), especially once you update the firmware, but even before that I noticed the symbolic link was recreated and removed the ffmpegbak link I had earlier renamed it to. There must be something within one of these crontab entries that does a clean-up:

I will dig around a bit and report back, but in meantime, killing the ffmpeg process (if running) and then doing the renaming still works.

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Hi, I seem to have noticed I too have lost quite a bit of space. Is there a way to remove transcode info and get space back?

Woot, finally seems to be addressed in latest firmware update! My Cloud OS 5: PR Series Enable and Disable Content Transcoding

i have two wd ex4100
however, one of them has high memory usage 55% and above. i dont have the FFmpeg process. anyone knows what is eating up the memory?

thank you !!
And if I want to get bakc my transcode, I jsut have to do : mv /usr/bin/ffmpegbak /usr/bin/ffmpeg ?