Retrieve specific files

I’m really having problems with WD. I have MyBook USB 3 (2t). I’ve ran back up on all my files. According to the display all the files were backed up. Now I have to retieve a  specific file from my backed up documents. I open the retrieve section but my files are not listed under the document tab. I do a search for the files and they cannot be found. Where are they?


What kind of computer is this? Windows, Mac, Linux? Are you using WD SmartWare? If you view the MyBook with the system file manager (Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, etc) can you see a backup folder, i.e.: Smartware?

If we are talking SmartWare, on the Retrieve tab, do you see a choice of “Retrieve All Files” and “Retrieve Some Files”? Note that if All is selected, no files are displayed below. Changing to Retrieve Some Files causes a display to appear below where files can be selected by folders or individually.

I may be able to give more detailed answers once I know more about your situation: OS, backup program, etc.

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Thanks forf tghe quick response. I am using WIN7 and Mozilla/Firefox. I am using WD Smartware to access the Book. I click on the retrieve tab, which opens a window. I select the “select files” tab, This opens a window where all my files (pictures, music, movies,document, etc) are tabbed. I click on the document tab and it gives me a list of files. I cannot find the files I want. I do a search for the files in the documents but they are not found. The error response I get is: “No files found in any category.”

Your setup is very similar to mine except that my backup destination is a My Book Live network drive. I’m afraid that the best suggestion I can think of is to try viewing the My Book in Windows Explorer to look for your files. Look for a SmartWare folder, or one named “WD SmartWare.swstor” Smartware backups retain the folder structure of the source once you drill down through the top levels. If a file was in the Reports folder, for example, it should be in a Reports folder in the backup, too.

If this direct search of the drive does not yield any helpful results I suggest that you contact WD support for assistance. There are several ways to reach out to them, as well as links to the Knowledge Base here-

Wishing you the best possible results, and retrieval of your files!