Retrieve files from previous Backup in a different computer after Back Up Files has been clicked

Hi I’m new to WD Community

Would appreciate advice how to retrieve files from previous Backup in a different computer after Back Up Files has been clicked.

I failed to read WD Instructions (How to restore a WD Backup on a different computer) as follows:
Please make sure the WD Backup Setup screen is not closed and Back up Files is not
clicked. If the WD Backup Setup screen is closed or Backup Files is started on the new
computer, the original computer backups will not be visible in WD Backup.

As such, when I attempt Retrieval the formerly Back Up files/folders are no longer visible.

I can see they’re in G:Drive in terms of total GB’s and file categories. However, I just cannot access them anymore because I had inadvertently started Backup Files (and somehow closed the WD Backup Setup Screen in respect of the original computer). Thank You

See and use the Knowledge Base! How to retrieve files from previous Backup in a different computer.