Require assistance/advice modifying a theme (Simplicity)

Hi all, as just a bit of an introduction, I am new to the world of WD TV theming and not in any way good with photoshop etc…

For reference before I begin, I am using the Simplicity Theme by DeVicious for SMP


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1) I have grouped films in to folders such as “Iron Man” containing 1, 2 & 3 and “Ice Age”, containing 1, 2, 3 & 4.


Ideally what I’d like to do is add something to the folder image making it clear that this folder contains more films such as a small banner saying ‘Collection’


2) When I first go in to ‘Videos’ it launches my portable harddrive.  It always makes me click in to the device name before displaying my Genres.  Is there any way to bypass this level?


3) On my genres - Action, Comedy, Disney etc… it display an IMDB rating in the top right.  Is there anyway to remove this?


4) I am from the UK and our movie ratings are U, PG, 12, 15, 18. How would I change the rating system to reflect this?

5) Are there any Album/Genre covers which reflect this theme nicely?

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Finally, I would just like to thank DeVicious for making such a great theme.


Thanks in advance

Hi all,

Any help with achieving this?  I would say 2 and 5 are the ones I care most about.


  1. from themeing standpoint, not possible, however you could create a new template in thumbgen

to burn the word collection into the moviesheet/linksheet

  1. not possible

  2. yes, take a look at the theme xml’s like rv_gallery etc …

  3. probably can be done in thumbgen, not sure

  4. I have no idea

Bane17 wrote:


 …For reference before I begin, I am using the Simplicity Theme by DeVicious for SMP


2) When I first go in to ‘Videos’ it launches my portable harddrive.  It always makes me click in to the device name before displaying my Genres.  Is there any way to bypass this level?


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There is a workaround for this , though unless it’s your standard setup on your network, you may find it a bit much. For me it is how I am setup anyways so works great. I am also using Simplicity, though the theme would not have any affect on  this.


  1. Instead of having your media on a USB drive attached to your SMP, the media needs to be on another machine, used as a file server.


  1. Setup shares for each of your genres folders on the file server. The SMP will show EVERY share on that machine when you choose it for your videos.


  1. Go to that machine via network shares, and the SMP will keep that as the default view each time you click on the videos icon.


Works well for me since I already keep my media on a file server instead of attached drives. I do this with my HUB and my SMP. When I choose “video” from the main screen in simplicity, both of the devices automatically show all the shares on the file server since it was the last machine (and only) I used. For me, instead of each genre, I have have shared one tier above, so the folders it shows me are “TV SERIES”, “MOVIES” and “HOME VIDEO”, and then I have my genres underneath those. You would just share each genre at the tier below. The only thing you have to be careful about is that since it will show EVERY share on the machine, if you have other shares for files or users, those would show up as well. I have just removed those from the machine.


Yeah, it is a real cludgy way of doing things if you are not already setup with a file server that is always on, or a NAS that would act similarly. Since I wanted failover on my drives, to me this was a very natural setup.


Good Luck.







1) Found a workaround

2) I don’t think the above will work as I require this to be ran off my USB

3) Still outstanding

4) I worked this out, it is in options.  My next problem with this however is that I’ve spent the time to go through 400 seperate video files choosing the fanart 1 to create the movie sheet.  I will now have to re-run this process to get the ratings corrected.  Is there anyway to do this but keeping the current fan art?


5)  Still looking for some decent Genre covers

Bane17 wrote: 

4) I worked this out, it is in options. My next problem with this however is that I’ve spent the time to go through 400 seperate video files choosing the fanart 1 to create the movie sheet. I will now have to re-run this process to get the ratings corrected. Is there anyway to do this but keeping the current fan art?


if you generated a *. tgmd file … then you’re in luck       if not, ya gotta redo them all over again

See the Icon “Create from Metadata”  (to the right … next to I’m Feeling Lucky Mode) if you have generated a *. tgmd file for your movies.

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Bane17 wrote:


5) Still looking for some decent Genre covers

Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, have no idea what “decent” is going to mean for you.

That said, below are  a few examples of the ones I recently made and am using for for Simplicity. There are 18 of them in total . If you want to check them all out, and in full size you can get them from here:

Also you can try this thread that has a  bunch of  Genre Covers. They are from before Simplicity was released, but a lot of people contibuted some great covers.

Good Luck


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