Pardon me if my questions sound dumb in any ways. I’m not a very technical struggling with my cloud now.
I’ve just relocated from a country operating on 240v to USA (110v). New router, new everything, old data that I’m trying to retrieve now.
The light shows a solid red. I’ve done several 4s and 40s reset but the light is still red.
My devices cannot connect to my cloud anymore. Can anyone help please?
Which exact “flavor” of My Cloud do you have? The model number from the sticker would help.
First is to ensure the My Cloud Power adapter supports 110 voltage. Not sure what power adapter is shipped with foreign sold My Cloud units but you may have to contact WD Support directly (link at top of page) to obtain the proper power adapter for the United States.
Second, certain broadband ISP routers, notably AT&T, have a known issue with My Cloud devices. The workaround is to put a switch between the My Cloud and the broadband router.