Red front light since yesterday (5/24/16) New firmware?

Have you tried using the IP Address of the My Cloud in the web browser to access the My Cloud Dashboard? A reset may have caused the My Cloud to obtain a different IP Address. Generally it is suggested to configure a static IP Address for the My Cloud within the router’s administration page(s) to avoid having the My Cloud change its IP Address.

I’ve noticed that the IP address changed after the firmware update on 24th May in the first place. Now I tried to access it through http://wdmycloud, I should be able to do it even if the IP address changed, right?

Normally yes one should be able to access the My Cloud using http://wdmycloud but sometimes the local router/gateway or the local PC’s retain the old IP Address for the My Cloud which causes the problem. That’s why one should try accessing the Dashboard using the current IP Address for the My Cloud as a troubleshooting step.

Ok, I tried 4-seconds reset to reboot it again and now I have red light back on the front panel AND I can’t access the dashboard. I’m getting out of options.
Is there any way to do the files recovery now?

Let’s assume it changed, how can I find the new IP?

You can find the IP Address in a number of ways. One is to access your router’s administration page and see the list of IP Addresses handed out by the router. Another, if using Windows 7, is to open up Windows File Explorer, and see if the My Cloud is listed under “Storage”. If so right click on the My Cloud icon and select Properties and the dialog box should list the IP Address. One of the WD programs (WD Access I think but I could be wrong) will also show the IP Address for the My Cloud.

I have the same problem with the red light exactly in the same date that you said.
I open the box and tried to connect the hdd to my pc but there is a sound of clicking.
My question is : if I will change the heads of the hdd in lab if this will work and the pc will show all my files?

We are users just like you trying to help one another. None of us here are part of WD Support. To answer your question I think it would serve you better to contact WD directly.

Western Digital Customer Service:
1 (800) 275-4932

WD support has just recommended me a data recovery by some professional service. Great…
If you have any ideas how to recover data from a failed WDMyCloud disc, I would be very interested.
Before it got completely red/unaccessible I tried to access to my data through SSH mode (FileZilla) (that was WD support suggestion) but when I tried to open /shares I got the error message “no such directory”.
I hope the disc has not be formatted and there is still a possibility to recover my data. But afaik it can’t be just plugged to as a regular PC as a mass storage drive.

Do a forum search, the topic of recovering data from a drive has been discussed repeatedly. In certain cases the data can be easily recovered if only the firmware is corrupted and not the user data partitions on the drive.

Because the My Cloud hard drive is formatted as Linux, the Windows OS won’t read or access the hard drive (when removed from the My Cloud enclosure) unless one installs third party software. Instead one can download and create a Linux boot disc (to CD, DVD or USB flash drive) and boot their computer with that boot disc to access the hard drive which has been removed from the My Cloud enclosure and connected to the computer.

A few threads on file recovery, there are many others:

I think that, if you’re experienced and equipped enough to go opening up an HDD and replacing the drive heads, then you ought to be better qualified to answer your question than almost anyone here…

The answer is very likely to be ‘it depends’.

It depends on the nature of the fault (is it a head crash, r/w electronics failure, drive electronics failure, etc).
It depends on your ability to remove the old heads and replace them with equivalent heads such that they are correctly aligned with the platters.

It’s certainly not something I’d fancy doing; I’d RMA the device, and recover data from my backup.

Even if it’s too late for you:

The best data recovery procedure is to keep at least two more separate backups of all your important data. Plus one more disk stored offshore, in another building just in case of a big desaster.

Hard disks die all the time.

If you can SSH into the My Cloud. cat the following files.
/tmp/led_cur_ev, /tmp/led_cur_st, /tmp/led_err_ev, /tmp/led_err_st.
These files contain the information as to what color the led should be.


disreguard posted to wrong thread.