Hi, I recently checked for the first time my saved files on a WD My Book Essential 2 To (wanted to be sure before transfering my C: data to a new PC).
I found that some (but not all ! ) of my *.pst files were shown as saved on 2012/11 (3 months ago). Moreover, their sizes in Go were smaller than the current sizes of the corresponding pst files on my PC.
I couldn’t find a way to correct this.
Would someone be so kind as to help me ?
Many thanks in advance
(Win 7 64 bits)
So im assuming you used wd smartware to back up those files. If you were able to retrieve the files using smartware. Try searching the specific files inside the .wdstor folder manaully using the search bar on the windows explorer. Also be reminded not to delete or edit files inside that folder. Just copy them.
And try doing a retrieve some files and put a check on older files.
Thank you for your answer.
Yes, I’m using Smartware. I found the files in the .wdstor folder but they were identical to the ones shown by smartware (ie. Backup dates from 2012/11/05 and much smaller sizes than the current sizes of corresponding files on my PC), So I didn’t copy them.
When reading again the user manual, I found that some categories (in the WD drive gauge on the smartware backup screen) may be shown against a dark grey background, which is precisely the case for me currently, for the ‘message’ category. It is written in the Manual that those files are retrieved from a previous backup (?) and are not available for backup.
I don’t fully understand why my active pst files are in this grey background, but this may be the explalation to my problem.
I’ll try a full backup of my C: to a new WD drive and see if my pst files are correctly saved.
Will let you know